Introducing Ake
A safety and behaviour support app designed for integration with Domestic, Family & Sexualised Violence intervention programmes.

Working with Programmes to help break the cycle of abusive behaviour
Ake is a safety and behaviour support app created for daily use by participants of your family / whānau violence programme as they move through three key phases toward family well-being and safety. These phases are:
Knowing their story of abuse and where it originated, identifying & understanding behaviours, and how these abusive practices affect others.
Introducing ownership of behaviour and accepting responsibility of their previous and current behaviours.
Creating relationship habits that promote family safety while breaking family traditions of violence & abuse.

Bridging the gap between group and home
A common issue in men's behaviour change groups is learning retention - specifically, the skills & tools learned in the group being remembered and utilised outside the sessions. Ake provides content that recaps the skills and topics covered during the programme and provides facilitators with the ability to follow up with participants through the app.
By minimising downtime between programme sessions, Ake helps programme staff keep up the pressure on disrupting abusive behaviours by providing access to forward-thinking, digestible content such as articles, challenges, worksheets, safety tips and more.
Developed from 40 years of family violence intervention work
Ake is the home to original content developed by industry expert Ken McMaster and his team at HMA, who have been working to disrupt family / whānau violence in New Zealand for 40 years.
The videos, articles and exercises have been designed to integrate with current Domestic, Family & Sexualised Violence intervention programmes.

Take a look at the features below

Wellness Compass
Service Users check in with the Emotions Compass, which recommends content related to their input. Facilitators can view the compass inputs submitted by Service Users and the content they view.

In-app Discussions
Facilitators can create discussions for groups of Service Users to respond to within the app. Discussions can also be sent one-on-one. You can invite discussion about a topic or follow up on a task set during the last intervention session. Discussions have the flexibility to work with your programme.

Videos, Activities and Articles
Ake is the home to accessible and easy-to-understand content covering a range of programme topics, such as family safety, identifying behaviours, understanding trauma, healthy relationships, and more.

Push Notifications
Do you need to reschedule the group or ask participants to prepare something before the next session? Facilitators can schedule and send push notifications to group members' devices or a single Service User.
Have a question? Get in touch!
Ask a question, register your interest or let us know what you think!
We will be in touch as soon as possible.
Frequently Asked Questions
What countries is Ake available in?
We are currently exploring funding opportunities so that we can provide Ake to programme providers in New Zealand and Australia.
What devices will Ake work on?
Ake will be available for Service Users and Staff to download on iPhone and Android via respective app stores.
Ake will also be accessible via web browser on PC and Mac.
An internet connection will be required to use Ake.
What will be the pricing model?
We are currently looking into options for funding on behalf of programme providers as well as budget models licensing models. If you have any suggestions or insights for funding or providing our app to programme providers, let us know!
Can my organisation demo Ake?
We will be looking at showing off Ake soon! Get in contact using the form above to organise a demonstration for your organisation.
Can we add our own content to Ake?
Yes! Ake has a flexible content management system allowing custom articles, videos and audio to be uploaded for use by individual organisations.